Thank you for your interest in HPCI’s work for quality, affordable health care.

By supporting HPCI at one of the levels below you are supporting its 2015-2016 programs and projects as well as receiving the direct benefits shown below.

$1,000 (Associate) HPCI News + updates, reports & notifications + networking + discounts
$2,500 (Supporting) Above + Briefings + Steering Committee
$5,000 (Participating) Above + HPCI assistance and access
$10,000 (Leadership) Leadership level involvement

Note: HPCI is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Thus, your membership contributions are tax deductible.

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Iowa Health Scores website – a new resource for patients and consumers

Click Here

Iowa Employer Group – A Call to Action and Guide for Iowa Employers and Purchasers; Measurement and Transparency of Health Care Price, Cost and Quality, Key to Improvement

Click Here

HPCI Chartbook of the Quality and Financial Performance of the Health Care Industry in the Greater Iowa Area

Click Here

Links & Resources